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New Zealand investment immigration policy adjustment 4379

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New Zealand Sky network reported on July 29 quoted radionz news that New Zealand is beautiful and livable, attracting new immigrants from all over the world。Industry insiders said that at present, there are more and more investment immigrants, and the amount of investment is also rising, which is very beneficial to the New Zealand economy。

New Zealand's investment immigration is divided into two categories, the first type of investment of NZ $10 million, the investor's age, English ability, stay time and investment experience requirements are relatively relaxed;The second type of investment is NZ $1.5 million, which is relatively strict in terms of investment capacity, investment return and investment scope。

For the second category, which has a lower threshold, New Zealand has a quota of 300 applications a year, according to PWC, the consultancy。But the reality is that the number of applications is now far exceeded。

PWC partner Michael Bignell said that normally, applicants in the second category only need to invest $1.5 million。But the number of such applicants has soared in the past four months, so the investment may need to double in the current situation。

"If you want to pass 1.5 million categories of immigrants and want to be successfully selected, you may have to increase the amount of investment, otherwise it is difficult to be selected.。Bignell said migrant investment was a good boost for the New Zealand economy and "the more investment the better for New Zealand".。

Under the new immigration policy, from November, skilled migrants and entrepreneurial migrants from outside Auckland will be able to obtain a high-value bonus point, which is also a benefit for the regional economy。